Intermediate Excel
Take your Excel skills to the next level with this intermediate course focused on Macros, VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), and automation.
Trusted by 220,000+ people worldwide.
An outline of this training course
This Intermediate Excel course covers essential topics for data analysts such as tables, pivot tables, Power Query, Power Pivot, grouping and ranking, and charts. Key learning objectives include the ability to manipulate and analyze large data sets using pivot tables, import and transform data with Power Query, and create relationships and measures with Power Pivot.
This course is beneficial for data analysts who need to improve their skills in data analysis and management to make more informed decisions. Real-life scenarios where these skills could be applied include analyzing sales data to identify trends and forecasting future sales, analyzing customer behavior to inform marketing strategies, and analyzing financial data to identify cost-saving opportunities. By the end of the course, participants will have the skills and confidence to use Excel more effectively to gain insights and make data-driven decisions.
What are needed to take this course
Enterprise DNA Microsoft Excel for Beginners is recommended although not necessary.
Who is the course for
Professionals who work with data and want to enhance their ability to effectively organize, analyze, and visualize large data sets in Excel
Details of what you will learn during this course
By the end of this course, you will:
- Use tables and pivot tables for data analysis and organization
- Extract, transform, and load data using Power Query
- Create relationships and measures with Power Pivot
- Group, rank, and summarize data for efficient analysis
- Create and format charts to visualize data effectively
What you get with the course
- A 4+hour self-paced video training
Program Level
Field(s) of Study
Computer Software & App
Instruction Delivery Method
QAS Self-study
***This course was published in May 2023
Enterprise DNA is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
What our
Students Say
Course Overview
Organizing and Analyzing Your Data
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Enterprise DNA Workouts for Excel
Couse Wrap Up
Your Feedback

Antriksh Sharma
Enterprise DNA Expert
- 3+ years of experience in Power BI, Power Pivot, Power Query and SSAS
- 3+ years of experience in DAX, optimizing DAX, and SQL language. Likes to read DAX blogs, articles, and books in free time.
- 1+ years of experience in Core Python and approx. 6 months of experience in Pandas/NumPy/Matplotlib/Seaborn etc. Python libraries for Data Analytics.
- Super User at Microsoft’s Power BI community platform with over 80 solutions, 50 PBI solutions at Enterprise DNA’s community, and approx. 30 PBI solutions on other platforms. Passionately believes in sharing everything he knows.
- 4+ years of experience in Excel automation through VBA, likes to read VBA blogs in free time.
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