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Cheat Sheets

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Cover: Excel Formulas Cheat Sheet: Intermediate Guide

Excel Formulas Cheat Sheet: Intermediate Guide

This Microsoft Excel intermediate cheat sheet covers a wide range of topics that will level up your skills in numerical analysis, text processing, and complex date and time logic

Cover: Excel Formulas Cheat Sheet: Advanced Guide

Excel Formulas Cheat Sheet: Advanced Guide

This Excel formulas cheat sheet covers advanced forecasting formulas, statistical analysis, data manipulation functions, error handling, and more.

Cover: Extended Date Table Cheat Sheet

Extended Date Table Cheat Sheet

An essential accompaniment to the Enterprise DNA Extended Date Table – the gold standard for Date tables within Power BI data models

Cover: Excel Cheat Sheet: A Beginners Guide With Time-Saving Tips

Excel Cheat Sheet: A Beginners Guide With Time-Saving Tips

This guide is here to simplify your journey with Excel, offering you the key tools, shortcuts, and techniques at your fingertips, so make sure to save it for future reference. 

Cover: Python Cheat Sheet: Essential Quick And Easy Guide

Python Cheat Sheet: Essential Quick And Easy Guide

When programming in Python, having a reliable cheat sheet by your side can be a game-changer. Python may be known for its simplicity and readability, but there’s no denying that its extensive range of features and functionalities is too much to memorize!

Cover: SQL Cheat Sheet

SQL Cheat Sheet

This SQL cheat sheet gives you the most common SQL objects and commands, including data types, DML and DDL statements, aggregate functions, string and date functions, and subqueries.