Integrate ChatGPT into Excel using Macros and APIs
Integrate ChatGPT into Excel using Macros and APIs to enhance your learning experience and maximize productivity.
Trusted by 220,000+ people worldwide.
An outline of this training course
In this course, data analysts will learn how to harness the power of ChatGPT, a cutting-edge language model, and integrate it seamlessly into Excel using Macros and APIs. This course is designed for data analysts who want to enhance their Excel skills and leverage the capabilities of AI-powered natural language processing in their workflow.
Beginning with the creation of formatting macros, participants will learn how to automate repetitive tasks and streamline data analysis processes. Discover how to set up the ChatGPT API environment within Excel, enabling direct access to the language model's capabilities.
Building upon this foundation, participants will also learn how to establish a seamless connection between Excel and the ChatGPT API and gain proficiency in testing API outputs in Excel and validating the reliability of the ChatGPT API connection.
Practical use cases for macros and APIs in data analysis will be thoroughly covered. Participants will uncover how to leverage macros and the ChatGPT API to automate error fixing, reducing manual effort and enhancing efficiency. Additionally, you will learn how to integrate ChatGPT-generated context into your analyses, facilitating detailed insights and informed decision-making.
What are needed to take this course
Basic knowledge and understanding of Macros and APIs is recommended for this course.
Who is the course for
This course is designed for data analysts who want to enhance their Excel skills and leverage the capabilities of AI-powered natural language processing in their workflow.
Details of what you will learn during this course
By the end of this course, you will:
- Develop proficiency in creating formatting macros with ChatGPT in Excel
- Set up the environment for ChatGPT API integration in Excel
- Establish a reliable connection between Excel and the ChatGPT API
- Test API outputs and ensure smooth functioning of the ChatGPT API connection
- Apply macros and APIs to fix errors and enhance data analysis with ChatGPT-generated context
What you get with the course
- A 1+hour self-paced video training
Program Level
Field(s) of Study
Computer Software & App
Instruction Delivery Method
QAS Self-study
***This course was published in June 2023
Enterprise DNA is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
What our
Students Say
Course Overview
ChatGPT API in Excel
Macro API
Supplementary Materials
Your Feedback

Henry Habib
Enterprise DNA Expert
- Improved processes and facilitated organizational change using both standard and bespoke tools (Power Platform, data analytics, custom built programs, etc.) for over 6 F500 companies spanning financial services, retail, and telecom
- Led training and employee-tool empowerment sessions (SharePoint, Power Apps, Power Automate) for several organization, the most recent being a large governmental organization of over 6,000 members, with advisory add-ons
- Accomplished Power Platform and Office 365 trainer (specializing in SharePoint, Power Apps, and Power Automate), with over 100 hours of recorded content and over 30,000 paid students on e-learning platforms
- Background in Accounting and Finance, with a specialization in Economics
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